Our sensory rooms can offer a safe and comfortable space for a child, young adult, or aging adult. We design Snoezelen® rooms to help reduce agitation and anxiety. We work with credentialed and licensed professionals to explore and create your strategy. Our team has the training, expertise, and products to create these settings to support physical, emotional, and social needs. We advocate for a compassionate and accurate assessment of the current status, while working toward a defined future.
The result of an effective sensory room over time helps to develop a sense of empowerment. These results can also create a heightened confidence, resilience and independence. We believe in improving quality of life for these individuals and their families.

Our Sensory and Snoezelen® Room process
Our process is a simple step by step pathway that can support both the most basic or complex story and increase your confidence in the process. Our journey begins by spending time together and learning about the range of needs for your person and your whole family. We look at the sensory needs through engagement activities and interventions. As we progress through the series of meetings, we may also use art, music, occupational, and physical therapy, as well as therapeutic recreation, speech-language pathology, and family stories to help guide and inform the selection of design and materials.